
Are you in the process of rolling out a new website?

As you know, there’s a lot that goes into the process. From the design to the development, from content creation to your marketing strategy, there’s not enough time in the day to tackle every task.

While there’s sure to be a lot on your mind, make sure that you spend enough time on keyword research to guide your content strategy. By doing so, up front, you’ll have a clear idea as to where you want to take your site in the future and how to shape your content.

There are a few keyword research shortcuts that you can take, and tools often serve as the most effective options.

In the past, I’ve discussed a variety of keyword suggest tools that new businesses can use to target the best keywords for their niche, from long tail search terms to negative keywords. This time around, I’m going to focus on 10 free keyword research tools. With these, you’ll be able to:

Follow Neil Patel

Source : Neil Patel Blog

downloadThe choice of tools varies based on the objective of your campaign. If you wish to know more about some of the major Social Media Marketing (SMM) tools, read on:
#1 Buffer
Buffer is one of the most widely used software application that helps to schedule posts on 3 major social media platforms viz. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

#2 Hootsuite
Started in the year 2008, Hootsuite is a comprehensive social media publishing tool.

#3 Facebook Power Editor
An inbuilt Facebook tool, Facebook Power Editor is useful for someone who is running more than one Facebook Ads Campaign.

#4 Google Analytics
One of the most widely used website statistics service, Google Analytics, the basic version of which is free however, there the premium if chargeable for a certain amount of fee.

#5 Bitly
Bitly is a tool that is basically meant for shortening the URLs.

#6 SocialMention
One of the popular Social Media Marketing tool, Social Mention enables the user to trace and measure the performance of a company, product etc.

#7 TweetDeck
This tool is a social media management dashboard used for the complete management of Twitter which is one of the most used social media platform.

#8 ShortStack
ShortStack is a campaign building tool, specifically used for Facebook.

#9 SocialOomph
SocialOomph is a social media marketing tool that enables to get Twitter keywords’ alerts on mail.

#10 HowSociable
This is an extremely handy tool that allows the user to assess social media presence of his company as well as that of the competitor.

#11 ContactUs.com
This tool basically an online contact building form that adds contact forms to Facebook pages.

#12 Mention.com
Mention.com is a social media marketing tool that allows to see what is being said about the user’s company.

#13 Topsy
Topsy is a social media analytics tracking tool.

#14 Just Unfollow
Just Unfollow is an interesting social media marketing tool that enables the user to trace and find Twitter and Instagram followers.

#15 Canva
Canva tool is meant for making simple designs, especially Facebook cover pages.

#16 Tweet Archivist
This amazing tool helps to save the tweets before they disappear.

#17 Radian6
This platform helps the user to keep a check on the conversations all across the social web world.

#18 Advanced Twitter Search
Advanced Twitter Search is an inbuilt Twitter tool.

#19 Pagemodo
Pagemodo is one such social media marketing tool that is meant for designing and promoting Facebook apps.

#20 Followerwonk
Followerwonk is a social media marketing tool that enables to find influencers on Twitter.

I hope this helps! Cheers!

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Facebook is testing two new shopping features that could ruin the recovery of impulse buyers trying to kick the habit. While they are two distinct additions, both enable you to make purchases from within the mobile apps. The first experimental feature is called Canvas, and it turns the typical scrolling FB ads you see into immersive ones. When you click on an advertisement that has the capability, it loads a full-screen page where you can choose the item variant/color and buy it on the spot — no need to launch the seller’s website.

The other is the addition of a Shopping feed under Favorites, which displays the merchandise of brands participating in the Shop section Facebook introduced in September. It even has a search bar to make it easier to find whatever it is you’re looking for. Just like every other feature the social network’s testing, though, both will only be visible to a small number of users and might not make it to general release.Features that enable people to buy right from Facebook’s mobile apps will greatly benefit the social network.

A recent US comScore study showed that people spend the most time on their phones using a handful of popular apps, including FB and Instagram. Twitter, which is included in the top 15 applications, also has a Buy Now button for in-app shopping.

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How To Calculate Customer Lifetime Value
Source: How To Calculate Lifetime Value

Ever mass-deleted a bunch of impersonal emails from your inbox? Brand fatigue is a real threat to your marketing strategy. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand discusses why brands become “background noise” and how you can avoid it.

http://fast.wistia.net/embed/iframe/x2r2hsgsou“>Rand Fishkin Moz Video

Check out White Board Friday

Brand fatigue sucks

How to cause brand fatigue

How NOT to cause brand fatigue

There’s no better way to begin your SEO Education.

Check out the Beginner’s Guide to SEO and unleash the power of SEO on your web marketing campaigns.

Happy 10th birthday WordPress.com

WordPress.com News

This year marks the 10th birthday of WordPress.com and our parent company, Automattic. We are proud to have served this community of millions: from writers, photographers, artists, and small and large publishers, to business owners and entrepreneurs.

View original post 333 more words

You’ve probably seen the extremely comprehensive noob guide to online marketing by Oli Gardner, or the companion noob guide to link building from Mike King, you’ve also likely seen one of the many posts or presentations on SEO for startups (here, here and here) – suffice to say there is plenty of reading material for building new web properties but what about link building for an established website?

There are an abundance of link opportunities (and challenges) that are pretty unique to an established website.

I decided to compile a public Trello boardwhich is based on some of our internal boards for clients to help you to visualise the process I am about to run through.

Please bear in mind that this is not a six-month SEO plan so we won’t be covering site audits or keyword research for example (although you should read this post if you are planning to conduct an SEO audit), I will be focusing on the acquisition and optimisation of links and content for links.

This is how we approach established websites where we are given a full link building brief. I welcome any feedback and additions to this plan. In any case, this is simply the “ideal” scenario, so we don’t do ALL of this with every single client because each situation is different and because realistically we might not have the budget or even the project scope to implement all this. That being said I do hope that this post will give you some avenues to explore. The idea behind the Trello board was that so anyone could copy it and then edit as they see fit, dragging and dropping the various elements and scaling up or contracting the task list as appropriate. I have divided the elements into the following four areas:

  • Content Tasks
  • Research Tasks
  • Link Tasks
  • Other Tasks

On the Trello board, I have put them into our recommended order but as I say, the reason for doing this as a public board is so that you can move elements around as you see fit.

Remember to copy the board before you can start making it your own!


In this week’s Whiteboard Friday, Bing’s very own Duane Forrester will be joining us in the Moz studio to personally walk us through the newly released Bing Webmaster Tools.

Let us know how you feel about these Webmaster Tools in the comments below. Duane will be keeping an eye on them as well so let him know what you think.

With Google Panda Update 2.2 upon us, it’s worth revisiting what exactly Panda is and isn’t. Panda is a new ranking factor. Panda is not an entirely new overall ranking algorithm that’s employed by Google. The difference is important for anyone hit by Panda and hoping to recover from it.
Google’s Ranking Algorithm & Updates

Let’s start with search engine optimization 101. After search engines collect pages from across the web, they need to sort through them in demand to searches that are done. Which are the best? To decide this, they employ a ranking algorithm. It’s like a recipe for cooking up the best results.

Like any recipe, the ranking algorithm contains many ingredients. Search engines look at words that appear on pages, how people are linking to pages, try to calculate the reputation of websites and more. Our Periodic Table Of SEO Ranking Factors explains more about this.

Google is constantly tweaking its ranking algorithm, making little changes that might not be noticed by many people. If the algorithm were a real recipe, this might be like adding in a pinch more salt, a bit more sugar or a teaspoon of some new flavoring. The algorithm is mostly the same, despite the little changes.

From time-to-time, Google does a massive overhaul of its ranking algorithm. These have been known as “updates” over the years. “Florida” was a famous one from 2003; the Vince Update hit in 2009; the Mayday Update happened last year.
Index & Algorithm Updates

Confusingly, the term “updates” also gets used for things that are not actual algorithm updates. Here’s some vintage Matt Cutts on this topic. For example, years ago Google used to do an “index update” every month or so, when it would suddenly dump millions of new pages it had found into its existing collection.

For in detail info visit – Search Engine Land